Garrido Law Firm

Art Events

Small Format

  • Small Format
Some years ago, in the Buenos Aires galleries, was customs schedule exhibitions of artists for the end of the year, with the particularity that these exhibitions included only works of reduced dimensions in their catalogs. These samples, wich was called ???small format??? pointing, from a commercial standpoint, the purchases that the educated middle national class used to specify on the occasion of traditional festivals like Christian Christmas and new year. Gifts to loved ones, certain social or professional commitments, or the satisfaction of a personal taste, held this good practice, form the purely commercial, feed culture needs perhaps impossible to fill with works of higher costs. When economic cycles marked another direction, and that social class due primarily to attend different emergency culture, samples of ??? small format ??? were losing ground in the artistic agenda of the city.

Garrido Law firm assumed, with enthusiasm, this proposal through their Paideia collection in the monthly meeting of the Gallery Nights. Provide a painting sample of small format today in Buenos Aires, not only take alook at the past, a past that we value as better, but also leave us space for the hopeful waiting in which these exhibitions return to give an answer to the desires of a society in the process of recovering its genuine role. They take this opportunity roundabout our samples. As ephemeral in real time from your display as memorable through the contribution that constitute the dissemination of Argentine art, works of a selected spectrum of artists. Since the late nineteenth century arrive Antonio Alice and her mentor, the Italian master Decoroso Bonifanti. Also formed, int eh academies of the Peninsula came to this port Thomas Di Taranto, Fausto Coppini and Nazareno Orlandi, happened to equal mastery of the murals of El Ateneo bookstore and the ???porteña??? Salvador church to the small notes of the Northwest. Raúl Soldi Argentine, who would happen form the Chapel Glew andceilings of the Colon theatre to rural notes of generous light and small size. Alfredo Lázzari and his brother in law Salvador Zaino, arrived at La Boca and Rosarioin Argentina and put as an Argentine password the Macchiaiolli lesson. The Sapnish side in this sample is embody by Pedro Roca and Marsal, Francisco Salat and Luis Macaya. Otto Ringer who arrived from Vienna in the late empire and Stepehen Koek Koek, English by birth, not hide in his paintings Dutch roots he shared with Jacques Witjens.

Writers were Luis Ferrini, Francis Mariani, David Heynemann and the contemporary Lola Frexas, in the
notes of Justo Lynch and his disciple Oscar Vaz. A view of the deep Argentina bring us the works of Luis Cordiviola, Vicente Vento and Armando Repetto. Small, but eloquent in the transmission of their topics these works are like so many other windows that are open to the vastness of a country so privileged in its landscapes and artistic qualities interpreters.

Adrián Gualdoni Basualdo
October, 2010

Leonie Mathis
Vista de Jerusalén
Colección Paideia