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Art Events

The countryside in the Argentinian Art II

  • The countryside in the Argentinian Art II
As in many other areas of national life, the development of artistic activity in our country ran parallel to the consolidation of the big cities as centers of royal hegemony.
Headquarters of the official institutions and the representative private entities, in these population centers were grouped together most of the artisit their schools and academies, museums and galleries that under  pinned an incipient market, and in their mass media the most influential critical voices were made. However, this urban profile marked, cities were not the most convenient subject of the artists in the figuration space.
As if the city life severs its expressive possibilities, artist got the swing and privileged the well nearest rural landscape, close to then, beyond the last houses of the increasing  urban fabrics. The nearby suburbs, and behind them the infinite spaces of the plain, attracted their looks, and the field and their circumstances assumed the role of plastic realization.

Estudio Garrido Abogadosm repeats today with renewed repertory artist and works, the exhibition dedicated to this topic four years ago, and with a rigorous selection of thirty paintings from his Paideia collection relocates to the countryside as central of their monthly exhibition. The field and its landscape, the nature in retreat due to the advance of agricultural explotation, the archetypal figure of the farmer, the modest architecture embodied in the stands and on the ranches, the wildlife, but even more the breeding animals that cemented the national richness., the omnipresence of the horse, the subtle nobility of a lone tree standing in the middle of La Pampa graceful beauty of a borned flower between grasslands, are all reflected here in the works of twenty artists.
The represent the wider arch of history of art in Argentina. From the preliminary figure of Carlos Ripamonte until the contemporanity of Sonia Decker and Eduardo Malara. Are also present important figures such as Juan Carlos Castagnino, the British Stephen Koek Koek and the Dutchman Witjens Jacques,who arrived from their lans and interpreted the Argentinian countryside with an attentive foreign look.

The Spanish Fernando Ayllón and Juan Pelaez ; the Romanian Demetrio Filip are artists that choose our country to demonstrate their talents. Representing the ???school of Litoral???, works of Raul Achurjín and Carlos Delgado are part of the exhibition. Classical exponents of rural landscape, as Antonio Parodi, Angel Vena, Juan Otero and Vicente Vento, and animalistic as Bartolomé Vacarezza, complete, among others, this sample, as an expression of tribute to the Argentinian countryside.

Adrián Gualdoni Basualdo
July, 2013

Ceferino Carnaccini
Lago Futalaufquen
Colección Paideia