Garrido Law Firm

Art Events

The magic of the Riachuelo river

  • The magic of the Riachuelo river
It may be difficult to the moon to reflect its clear lights on the opaque and dull waters of the stream. Neither its cover shores of solid wastes are the favourite place for couples in love, neither the right and safe place for children to play. Vilifying against the extreme pollution of its waters, almost being disuse its old docks, far from those days when the bank of the river hustled with the work of the loading, the old magic of the stream, still remains as an unfathomable mystery that the Art could reach to reveal.
South limit of the city that one day resolved to grow up to the north location, this decline water course built at the entrance of the Río de la Plata a bend that was the harbour exit to the world of the fruits from the Earth, those that in boats or in small wagons arrived to the banks of the river that named the homonymous neighbourhood. Also those docks were witnesses of the first steps on this Promised Land to the dreams of foreigners who came to populate and to work the spaces that looked endless in this Nation at that time, when it looked as a young and hopeful land.
The stream, and the modest and nearby neighbourhoods of La Boca and Barracas, were inhabited by water sailors, stevedores, dockers, fishermen, and shipyard workers. Also the stream was a witness of those who through the Art and the letters sublimated their humble condition exalting with their talent and sensitivity.
It is inevitable to remember this space with the emotional evocation that
Enrique Cadicamo does in his old tango song: "bridges and strings where the wind comes to howl, charcoal ships that never are going to depart./grim cemetery of the ships that perish/ dream, even though, that they still address to the sea and to depart???"
The paints of masters and notorious teachers and artists today barely disremembered, rhyme with the popular poetry. These paints are exhibit in the Paideia Collection, nowadays to compensate for that oblivion.
From the omnipresent figure of the greatest Benito Quinquela Martín, who bequeathed those colours of his palette to a neighbourhood that used to be achromatic, and colourless. Also, the art viewers can see today paints of others recognized and masters like Fortunato Lacamera and Alfredo Lázzari. Moreover, are here serene images of Justo Lynch and paints reflecting "the work", with the style signature of Oscar Vaz and Osvaldo Imperiale. Some artist residents of La Boca, others that immigrate from different geographical points convened every one by the magic of this porteño location, are present also here: Armando Repetto and Otón Ringer, José Arcidiácono and Virgilio Vallini, Indalecio Pereyra and Claudio Gorrochategui, Lola Frexas expresses her originality in one of her canvases; and the fresh of a water paint of Alejandro Lanöel evokes the past of the stream.
Conceived then as a tribute, this exhibition offered by Estudio Garrido Abogados is going to confirm, with the values of the paints that compose it, that the magic of the stream was, is and will be a substantive part of the heritage of our city.

Adrián Gualdoni Basualdo
Mayo 2012

Margarita Hahn Vidal
Armonía Estival
Colección Paideia